Now you are ready to use our unique webapp that allows you to analyse your rides in the only correct and reasonable way i.e. not only seeing all the classical stuff such as Power, Altitude, Heart Rate, but also the evolution of your Anaerobic Reserve, Total Energy spend in each training zone and ECP-based Performance Indexes.

As a first user you may need to read the instructions below or else start now Typhoonanalysis and bookmark it.

Upon starting this webapp you will see following introduction page with 2 input fields “Reference TXT” and “FIT power data”.

Upon starting the background color of both fields are brown. Clicking the ‘Reference TXT’ opens your browser so you can select a proper myrefs.txt file (or any other xxx.txt ) containing 7 reference values. The first 5 values are your records power values (in Watt) for 5 testing times i.e. for 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes and 40 minutes.
If you are a user of Supercycle, Zwift, Wahoo, Karoo, Strava or TrainingPeaks you will already have a good idea of these 5 values, which are a selection of your MMP or power profile data. The extra fields are your weight in kg and your IRI - Individual Recovery Index. After loading a valid myrefs.txt file, the background color of this field will turn to green.

You are supposed to have created this little myrefs.txt file with a single column of data. It will look like this example;


The 6th entry in this file is your weight in kg. The 7th entry is your very important IRI that personalizes your ability to recover from anaerobic fatigue. Its value is between 0.1 and 1.0
A highly trained pro will have IRI =1, an elderly leisure rider will have IRI = 0.3
How to identify your IRI ? Perform a high intensity Interval training HIIT until exhaustion after 5 or 6 repetitions. There are many possible protocols that may be used but here is a practical suggestion; Use a 40” - 20” format. Choose a high power value at least 10% higher than the lower limit of your high anaerobic zone and a resting value well below your RT. If exhaustion occurs after 4 or less repetitions, decrease the intensity. If Exhaustion does not occur after 6 or 7 reps, increase intensity. Then use typhooncycling and adjust IRI until your W’bal drops to zero at the moment of exhaustion.

Next browse and chose one of your power data files. The format of this file should be a FIT file , using the data structure standard used by Garmin. These files are generated by most modern bike computers such as Garmin and the Supercycle app (on Android and iPhone),

After loading the chosen power file our app will first compute your own Extended Critical Power or ECP parameters that are to be used to analyse your aerobic/anaerobic balances and to determine your training or performance zones. For full explanation of the meaning of all these parameters Recovery Threshold, Critical Power, Super Critical Power, Anaerobic Capacity, and VO2max, please refer to our ECP page or the e-book “The future of training and racing with a power meter”.
These ECP parameters are shown below together with the ECP model graph. It is important to verify this graph as you should see a clear separation between the Slow Death and the Fast Death regimes. If there is not a graph similar to the one shown, there may be some problem of inaccuracy of the 5 chosen power reference values.

The power file is searched for any possible improvement in your record or reference values. If any is detected you get a message but this new value is not automatically updated in your myrefs.txt file
It is up to you to decide and manually edit myrefs.txt

Next we see 4 different Charts; The Power Chart, The chart of evolution of the Anaerobic Reserve, a combined chart of Altitude profile and the Heart Rate, and the histogram of the total amount of time and energy spent in your 7 different training zones

In this Power chart example below you see 2 horizontal dotted lines. The green line indicates the level of the Restore Threshold RT, the red line is at the level Super Critical Power SCP.
The zone between de green and the red line is the zone of “Slow Death”. All long climbs and TT-rides are performed almost exclusively in this zone.
This example of anaerobic balance chart shows 2 deep dips. The first is caused by a 5 minutes long effort in the VO2max- zone at more than 560 W, the second one indicates exhaustion after 10 minutes at SCP - level of 490 W.
We also see that the anaerobic balance goes slightly negative at the time 70 minutes. The possible reasons for this “negative balance” is explained in one of our blogs 

Next chart shows the altitude and the heart rate.

And finally 2 performance charts showing the time and the amount of energy spend is each of your 7 performance or training zones.

The left hand side of the ‘Result’ box shows the 4 performance scores, Aerobic Score, Slow Death Anaerobic Score, Fast Death Anaeobic Score, and Total Energy of the ride.
The right hand side shows your 7 pderformance or training zones.

And at the very bottom you start a new analysis on an new page. Upon clicking this you are back to the starting page where you can choose another power data file. You can also clear and chose another myrefs.txt file or continue with the same references.
Important note : Choosing another power file without first clicking the “Next analysis in new page” - box will have no effect.